Home / My Kind of Blog / It's World Kindness Day! Easy, quick acts of kindness you can do with your family today

It's World Kindness Day! Easy, quick acts of kindness you can do with your family today

Happy World Kindness Day! Did you know that since 1998, November 13 has been recognized as THE day to internationally celebrate the importance of being kind? Obviously we love this, since emphasizing and practicing kindness is at the heart of what we aim to do with My Kindness Calendar.

But if you didn't know this was a thing? No problem! Yes, World Kindness Day can be a fun and inspiring day to get creative with big Oprah-moment giveaways and out-of-the-box acts of kindness, but it is also a wonderful opportunity to simply be intentional. To choose to act with kindness through simple actions in everyday circumstances. Acting with kindness doesn't have to take extra time, effort or money, but with regular practice and a deliberate intention to be kind, you can always change someone's day for the better.

So if you're looking for easy acts of kindness that you and/or your kids can do today (and everyday) to put more positivity into the world, we've got you covered!

For your family

♡ bring your family breakfast in bed 

♡ do someone else's chores

♡ start the day with a 10 second hug 

♡ say thank you every time someone helps you out 

♡ end the day telling your family why you love them 

 For your community

♡ compliment a stranger's outfit 

♡ put away a parent-with-their-hands-full's cart at the grocery store

♡ shovel your neighbour's walk when you're shovelling your own

♡ take a minute to say hello and have a chat with someone who's homeless

 ♡ empathize with a parent who's having a tough time with their kids with some understanding words - we've all been there!

For the planet

♡ unplug small appliances when they're not in use 

♡ bring reusable containers for lunch 

♡ pick up trash you see on the street 

♡ don't let the water run when not in use 

♡ reuse magazines and flyers for crafts and creative play 

For yourself 

♡ sleep in!

♡ get some extra vitamin D and go outside 

♡ look in the mirror and tell yourself what makes you GREAT

♡ have a treat - you deserve it!

♡ have a bubble bath and relax

 And if World Kindness Day's got you in the mood for more, why not count down to Christmas with acts of kindness and My Kindness Advent Calendar - that's what we'll be doing come December!


Happy World Kindness Day - wishing everyone a day filled with love, joy, positivity and so much kindness! 



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